The World Renown Definitive 1970's List
bell bottoms: elephant bells and big bells, terry cloth, polyester, platform shoes, leisure
suits, enormous "Goody" combs sticking out of your back pocket, Puka shell necklaces,
bean-bag chairs, The Brady Bunch, avocado green or harvest gold kitchen appliances,
K.C. and the Sunshine Band: "Shake Your Booty", your hair parted down the middle, earth
tones: rust, browns, lemon, tans and burnt orange, shiny polyester brown shirts with a
lime green flower print, pick-up lines: "Hey mama, what's shakin' ?" and "Hey babe, what's
your sign?", the game "Life", big leather watch bands, the slogan "Keep on Truckin' ",
Superfly, Angleflight pants, J.J. Walker, Pong, Movin' On jeans, Welcome Back Cotter, the
song "Rhinestone Cowboy", Shaft, Poprocks, tube-tops, The Captain and Tenile, Duncan
"Butterfly" Yo-Yo's, Frisbees, Rockford Files, Yahtzee, three prong belts, Police Woman,
the song "Sky Rockets in Flight", Hawaii Five-O, Muskrat Love, the Bad News Bears,
Starsky and Hutch, Herbie the Love Bug, Charlie's Angels, Mother Juggs and Speed,
Emergency, Berkies, Evil Kanevil, hush puppies, Donnie and Marie, S.W.A.T., Tony Orlando
and Dawn, wrist bands, Charles Bronson, the movie "White Line Fever", Green Acres, the
California Suns football team, Plymouth Volares, big gold medallions, puffy down vests,
thongs, Slime, the movie "Blackula", wrought iron patio furniture, butt-cuts, the movie and
song "Live and Let Die", Christy McNichol, the Six Million Dollar Man, Margaret Keane
paintings, streaking, Dr. Don Rose of KFRC, Pet Rocks, Hang-Ten T-shirts, three quarter
length burnt orange leather jackets with denim patchwork on the inside worn with your
long polyester shirt collar over the jacket collar, Boston, the movie "The Legend of Billy
Jack", big giant novelty size sun glasses and combs, fondue, driftwood anything, the term
"wrap your ass in fiber glass" referring to a Corvette, Lagoona brand swim trunks, the term
"up your nose with a rubber hose!", H.R. Puff n' Stuff, Soul Train, Huggy Bear, CB radios,
Rice A Roni, AMC; Gremlins, Pacers and Matadors (and anything else AMC made), Klogs,
the album "Framton Comes Alive", Holly Hobby, feathered back hair a.k.a. the mall-chick
cut, "Boogie Down", Datsun B-210 Honeybees, soap-on-a-rope, the show "What's
Happenin' ", Farah Fawcett, Petticoat Junction, Rodney Allen Rippey, the Gong Show, the
Partridge Family, Scooby Doo Where Are You?, the Dating Game, Foghat, Let's Make A
Deal, Tootsie-Pops, the $100,000 Pyramid, Otter Pops, Honey Comb cereal, Kool Aid,
Patty Hearst, Sugar Corn Pops, Chuck Manson, Super Sugar Smacks, Love American Style,
Star Trek, Chico and the Man, Sanford and Son, Aba-Zabas, hitch-hiking, Pixie Stix, the
Unknown Comic, mood rings, waffle-stomper boots, naugahide, macramé plant hangers,
G.I. Joe with the kung fu grip, Space 1999, UFO's, Omega Man and armageddon movies in
general, the entire "Planet of the Apes" series including; Return of, Beneath the, Beyond
the and Escape From, Lawn Darts, Weebles, Slip and Slides, Muhammad Ali, the
Carpenters, hats made from Coors cans and knitted yarn, bicycles with banana seats, tin
soda cans with pull tops, KISS, chopper bikes, Night Gallery, the song "Everybody Was
Kung Fu Fighting", Rhoda, fat Elvis, All in the Family, Dr. Hook, Maude, Schlitz Malt Liquor,
James at 17, Leif Garret, the movie "Convoy", the Hardy Boys, Earth, Wind and Fire, the
song "Hotel California", Dittos, E.L.O., the Village People, the song "Short People", earth
shoes, Shasta cola, Nutter Butter peanut butter sandwich cookies, Fat Albert,
Bit-O-Honey, Fruit Stripe gum, Shazaam, Gone in 60 Seconds, the movie "Car Wash",
Benji, Escape from Witch Mountain and anything else Eddie Albert was in, Don Ho, the
Courtship of Eddie's Father, big side-burns, stretch and sew pants, the Hustle, the movie
"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", Shawn Cassidy, Elton John, Barry Manilow at the
Copa - Copa Cabana, disco roller skating, the Rocky Horror Picture Show, movies in which
the stuntmen are the stars, the Wiz, Mean Joe Green, the Carol Burnett Show, Aligator
baggies, Lynard Skynard, the Apple Dumpling Gang, Meat Head, a Mustang II with a
sticker that reads: "this vehicle powered by Primo beer", Sit n' Spins, any Steve McQueen
car movie, Zoom, Jimmy Carter, Wings, Fuzzy Shrinky Dinks, Obi Wan Kenobi, 8-tracks,
the term "Hang Loose", Kojak; "Who loves you baby?", mud flaps with slogans, the Big Blue
Marble, a dirty t-shirt with a picture of a dog gesturing "fetch this!", Silly Putty, Bonnie
Belle Kissables Lip Gloss, Snuffle-Ufflegus, the saying "understand rubberband/don't be
wise bubble eyes or I'll knock you down to peanut size", hang gliding, click-clacks, the
show "Soap", McCloud, the movie "Foxes", Columbo, the show Sigmund the Sea Monster,
Pete's Dragon, "Airport" and all disaster movies, Wonder-Rama, Spirograph, ding dong
ditch, Wonder Woman, Speed Racer, the band America with the song "A Horse With No
Name", the show "Davie and Goliath", Oscar Goldman, John Denver, Hollywood Squares
with all the regulars-most prominent of whom was Paul Lynd, Tarzan starring Ron Eli,
Charles Nelson Riley, the show "Salvage" with Andy Griffith, Sonny and Cher with their
daughter Chastity; "I Got You Babe", Billy Beer, water beds, black lights and felt black
light posters, velvet paintings, deep pile shag carpeting, a-frame houses, fake wood
paneling, dome homes, shoes with cork soles, the movie "Tommy", Barney Miller and the
spin-off show Fish, Shake and Bake, Fresca, Merv Griffith, green Chrysler Cordobas,
Witchy Poo, Sha-Na-Na, I Ski brand sun glasses.